十大彩票网赌平台 staff designated to take confidential Title IX reports regarding Sexual Misconduct
Call 911 if this is an emergency.
Confidential reporting information is below. Read about all reporting options.
The 十大彩票网赌平台 staff listed below are designated by the College to receive confidential reports of student sexual misconduct.
Reports of employee sexual misconduct should be reported to Ted Cwiek in the Office of Human Resources.
The reporter (victim, friend or relative of the victim, witness, etc.) must request confidentiality. The staff below can take the report, help with providing information on resources, and provide information on options for reporting.
List of staff designated to receive confidential Title IX reports of sexual misconduct:
Confidential reporting
Name | Position | Office | E-mail Address | Phone |
Deb Guerrero | Director Learning Support Services | LA 115 | debrag@wccnet.edu | 734-973-3342 |
James Bauer | Professional Counselor | SC 206 J | jdbauer@wccnet.edu | 734-677-5223 |
Rhonda Gilmore | Professional Counselor | SC 206 M | rgilmore@wccnet.edu | 734-973-3416 |
Jerrell McCowin | Professional Counselor | LA 253 Q | jmccowin@wccnet.edu | 734-677-5195 |
Grievance Procedure
If an individual wishes to file a complaint on how the College handled their situation, access the College’s Complaint and Grievance Procedures.